Friday, September 8, 2023

Tampa Red 1935-1942 (24-48) (Old Tramp OT-1201) FLAC


  1. Hi Marc & Yardraw, thanks for this one, and welcome and congratulations on your nice new blog, if you like I can add you to the blog list on my blog ( Yardraw, I see you're from Bunbury. I go there often whenever I'm back in Perth. Always pop into that excellent Farmer's Market.

    1. Hi Bob Mac. Appreciate adding us to your blog list. Farmers Markets is a great place to shop. It's not far from me.


Yank Rachell With Pat Webb And Allen Stratyner – Too Hot For The Devil (Flat Rock Records)

Yank Rachell With Pat Webb And Allen Stratyner – Too Hot For The Devil (Flat Rock Records) [FLAC] Yank Rachell With Pat Webb And Allen Strat...